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Licence à jour


Page 9 of 9, showing 9 records out of 249 total, starting on record 241, ending on 249

Licence Nom Prenom Niveau Stagiaire Jugements
210407 DIDION KARINE B (National) Non 17
231608 CORDIER MARC B (National) Non 7
210409 FUALDES SERGE B (National) Non 16
259871 SCALBERT MARC B (National) Non 166
273080 SAUL LIONEL B (National) Non 78
239204 MATER PHILIPPE B (National) Non 76
942 CURINIER SYLVAIN A (International) Non 2
158983 LABARELLE MARIE FRANCOISE A (International) Non 14
60975 MELCHIORD CAROLINE A (International) Non 0
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